

From the forest bring the boughs

From the forest bring the boughs,
Of fir and spruce and pine!
Bring them home, bedeck the house,
For now it's Advent-time!
Bring the boughs, bring the boughs,
For now it's Advent-time.
Light the candles one by one,
Count off the days in rhyme.
Ev'ry day a task will done,
For now it's Advent-time!
Bring the boughs, bring the boughs,
For now it's Advent-time.
On the hearth a fire lay
Of oak and yew and pine,
Drive the winterchill away,
For now it's Advent-time!
Bring the boughs, bring the boughs,
For now it's Advent-time.
Tune the fiddle and the flute,
Oh! Let the music chime!
Sing we all, let none be mute,
For now it's Advent-time!
Bring the boughs, bring the boughs,
For now it's Advent-time.
Come, oh Christchild, do Thy part,
Thy creche awaits Thee here;
Enter Thou, do well my heart,
For now it's Advent-time!
Bring the boughs, bring the boughs,
For now it's Advent-time.

T: Barbara Betteridge
M: Elisabeth Lebret

dit liedje is pentatonisch

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